Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Read-Along Reviews and Interviews

This post is devoted to mention of some resources that might be useful as you begin to read Here Comes Everybody. Worthwhile reviews of the book are readily available through numerous magazines, journals, and websites. These two seemed to capture the essence of the book.
This review appeared in Ars Technica, a technology news and information website:
It is immediately followed by an interview with Clay Shirky by the book reviewer, Timothy B. Lee:

This brief review appeared on the Paper Cuts Blog of the New York Times when the book came out in paperback:

You can really get to know Clay Shirky in a more in-depth, two-part interview by Russ Juskalian which appeared in Columbia Journalism Review:


Finally, here are some preliminary questions to ponder in advance of the book meet-up at Next Door Pizza next Wednesday, September 15, 2:00 PM:
What do Shirky’s stories like that of the lost cell phone illustrate for you? What examples of technology use have you seen driving other changes in the social environment?

What distinctions does Shirky make between these concepts: sharing, cooperation, collaborative production, collective action? Have you seen evidence of these in play when you use social or other media?

If you would like to share initial impressions of the book based on your reading so far, please post a comment!


  1. How far should we have read by Wednesday?

  2. Pat:
    The suggested reading for next Wednesday is roughly the first 100 pages. But remember that everyone is welcome to attend the meet-up even if they haven't had the opportunity to read the book yet.


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