MCC-Longview FALL 2012 Writing Intensive Courses
ANTH 110 Cultural Anthropology (50033) – Eaton
BIOL 104 General Botany (40296) – Kopecky
CSIS 115 Intro to Microcomputer Applications (40562) - Pratt
ENGL 218 Intro to Literature (40710) - Dvorak
ENGL 218 Intro to Literature (42834) - Lowry
ENGL 222 American Literature to 1860 (40726) - Lowry
ENGL 234 Film as Literature (40708) - Grahn
ENGL 260 African-American Literature (50279) - Robinson-Walker
ENGL 260 African-American Literature (43678) - Robinson-Walker
ENGL 264 U.S. Latino and Latina Literature (45174) – Rog
ENGL 267 North American Indian Literature (46010) – Albright
HUMN 165 American Humanities: Diversity in the American Experience
(46572) - Aaron
HUMN 165 American Humanities: Diversity in the American Experience
(47414) - Aaron
MATH 119 College Mathematics (40992) - Lotz-Todd
MUSI 108 Music Appreciation (42628) - Hardy-Parcell
MUSI 108 Music Appreciation (41240) - Gregg
PHYS 104 Foundations of Physical Science (44628) - Nienhueser
PSYC 240 Child Development (43716) - Westra
PSYC 245 Adolescent Psychology (40772) – Westra
SOCI 160 Sociology (42500) – May
SPDR 100 Fundamentals of Speech (43276) - Kiser
SPDR 133 Interpersonal Communication (13859) - Kiser